Thursday 14 November 2013


Walter Gropius

He studied architecture and started working for Peter Behrens. Gropius was a member of Deutscher Werkbund from 1910. He joined Henry Van de Velde foundation as being the head of the applied arts school.

Gropius founded in 1919 in the city of Weimar, then in 1925 the Bauhaus moved to Dessau which he designed the building Gropius refined the ideas which were put in practice before WW1. The building consisted of three wings; students hostel, workshops and design school which connected by a bridge. He designed concrete pillars set back from the façade to have a glass façade for more light.


Over the years Bauhaus attracted several students. The Bauhaus combined elements of both fine arts and design education, it was a school were arts meets industry. Vasily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Lyonel Feininger, Georg Muche, and Oskar Schiemmer were among those who taught graphic arts and painting.

When Johannes Itten left László Moholy-Nagy took Itten’s place as a professor. Nagy was a Hungarian painter, photographer and graphic designer. He was the most influential figure after Gropius. 
Composition A 19 - László Moholy-Nagy, 1927
He used perfect opaque shapes, red and black linear shapes overlapping each other which have a certain translucency effect. His graphic works are very similar to the constructivism movements works.

Composition Z VIII - László Moholy-Nagy, 1924

Moholy-Nagy used a flat negative space with overlapping shapes. He used a lot of black, grey, red and yellows. It shows luminosity and transparency in certain forms.

Bauhausbucher 8, Malerei, Fotografie, Film- László Moholy-Nagy,1927

Nagy was responsible for the typography and graphic design of the Bauhaus books. The design of this book is quite rational. It featured clean lines and typeface, all in black, red and white with a chiaroscuro background finish.


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