Thursday 31 October 2013

Art Deco

An influential movement which flourished after the WWI in the United States and Europe. Art Deco affected all forms of design from decorative arts, photography, product design, fine arts, fashion and more. It was modern and it was everywhere.

Art Deco was an eclectic style which developed from Art Nouveau. It’s normally characterized by rich colours, bold geometric shapes and nationalism.

A.M. Cassandre

He was one of the great poster designers of the 20th century. Cassandre’s posters characterize his lifestyle; he used airbrush and stencils to create a stylized image.

Air – Orient, Poste Aérienne, 1932

A lithograph and photomontage designed for an airline based in France. Cassandre used sans-serif typeface, symmetrical layout and geometrical shapes.

A stenciled airbrush graphic which features a stylized bird decoration, the use of black and white against a brown background gives the lithograph a certain contrast.
Dubo – Dubon – Dubonnet, 1932

A serial poster for the Dubonnet wine company, which illustrated the pleasure of drinking, in a group of posters to be seen in rapid succession to convey a complete idea.

It’s a centered lithograph where Cassandre used geometrical shapes and sans-serif typeface. It’s a flat looking design in which Cassandre incorporated warm and cold colours in the background.


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